Feel de Breeze


sky jumping

Feel de Breeze

When it comes to creativity,

don be shy –

swing through de trees

an feel de breeze.

Let go, my friend, let go.

Jump high!

Explore de highways

an de byways.

Get a feel for dis and dat.

Do your ting

by jus exploring.

Feel de way.

Tink de way.

Dive deep, my friend.

Fly high.

Know de waters

an de sky.

De mind must flow.

So, yo bro, yo,

take wing.

Learn to really swing.

Let go. Let go!

Let your body shake.

Feel de riddum.

Get de mind to dance.

Pick up your feet.

Clap your hands.

Now you’ve got de new partner.

It’s called CREATIVITY.

Now, my friend, you’re really free.

Sebastian de Vervet

hand and sea